Medicare Part B can also cover:
Ambulance services. Part B covers ground ambulance transportation for medically necessary services and if transportation in any other vehicle could be dangerous for your health. It may also cover airplane or helicopter emergency ambulance transportation if you need rapid transportation that ground ambulance services can’t provide.
Clinical research, or clinical trials. Clinical research may involve diagnostic tests, surgical treatments, medicine, or new types of care.
Durable medical equipment (DME). If your doctor prescribes medically necessary durable medical equipment for home use, it’s covered by Medicare Part B. This includes (but is not limited to):
- Blood sugar meters
- Blood sugar test strips
- Canes
- Commode chairs
- Continuous passive motion devices
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices
- Crutches
- Hospital beds
- Home infusion services
- Infusion pumps & supplies
- Lancet devices & lancets
- Nebulizers & nebulizer medications
- Oxygen equipment & accessories
- Patient lifts
- Pressure-reducing support surfaces
- Suction pumps
- Traction equipment
- Walkers
- Wheelchairs & scooters
Mental health services. Mental health services include inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization. Covered outpatient services include:
- One depression screening per year in a primary care doctor’s office or a primary care clinic equipped to offer follow-up treatment and referrals
- Family counseling if it helps with your treatment
- Individual and group psychotherapy with doctors or other licensed professionals allowed by the state where you get the services
- Psychiatric evaluation
- Testing to evaluate your current treatment
- Medication management
- Treatment of inappropriate alcohol and drug use
- Diagnostic tests
Limited outpatient prescription drugs. A limited number of outpatient prescription drugs are covered, generally drugs that you wouldn’t usually give to yourself. Here are a few examples of drugs that are covered under Medicare Part B:
- Blood clotting factors you give yourself by injection if you have hemophilia.
- Drugs used with durable medical equipment (DME) if the drugs used are deemed reasonable and necessary.