Part A
Medicare Part A, in combination with Medicare Part B, is known as Original Medicare. Generally, Medicare Part A coverage includes:
- Inpatient care in a hospital
- Nursing home care
- Skilled nursing facility care
- Hospice care
- Home health care
Medicare Part A, in combination with Medicare Part B, is known as Original Medicare. Generally, Medicare Part A coverage includes:
Medicare Part A covers inpatient care in a hospital when your case meets the following conditions:
Not all hospital services during your stay are covered. Covered services include meals, general nursing, semi-private rooms, drugs required for inpatient treatment, and other supplies and services deemed necessary for your inpatient treatment.
Inpatient care includes services you can get in these types of facilities:
Most nursing home care is custodial, which is not covered by Medicare if that’s the only care you need. Custodial care is care that supports your daily activities (like bathing, getting dressed, and using the bathroom) or personal needs that unskilled people can do safely and reasonably.
However, Medicare does cover inpatient care in a skilled nursing facility that’s not custodial or long-term care.
Skilled nursing care is care provided by registered nurses, doctors, and other licensed health care workers. Medicare Part A covers skilled nursing facility care when the following conditions are met:
With Medicare Part A, your hospice care is covered if a hospice doctor and your doctor have certified that you’re terminally ill (meaning you have a life expectancy of 6 months or less). This is palliative care or comfort care, rather than care intended to cure your illness. It is usually given to you in your home or another facility, like a nursing home, where you live full-time.
Hospice care coverage includes:
With Medicare Part A, your home health care is covered if these conditions are met:
Eligible home health services including the following are covered:
However, the following services are not included under Medicare Part A:
Senior Health Solutions in Opelika, AL has been advocating for the senior community for more than 15 years. We are here to help you get the insurance coverage you need at the prices you can afford, and get you the peace of mind you need so you can enjoy your life stress-free.
Give us a call today at (866) 445-5215 to get your coverage started the right way.
We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.